Newsletter SOLIAM Issue 12 | Q4 | 2022
SOLIAM Innovation Day – Brussels 2022
VERMEG was delighted to invite its clients to the Innovation Day, held on Thursday, November 17th, in our premises in Brussels.
This Belgian market-oriented Innovation Day aimed to discuss the roadmap of our SOLIAM and Digital Solutions and share requirements on new functionalities to enrich our products and ensure complete adequacy with the Belgian market specificities.
During this Innovation Day, three main subjects were highlighted.
⁄ SOLIAM roadmap
⁄ Custodix roadmap
⁄ Digital journeys
A round table was held around the improvements deemed important for the Belgian market.
Following Innovation Day, VERMEG will establish a prioritized list of requested features to be integrated into the product roadmap.
For more information about SOLIAM, please reach out to or contact us here to reach out to an expert.
VERMEG launches CUSTODIX HUB in partnership with LUXHUB
VERMEG is glad to partner with Open Finance pioneer LUXHUB around collecting and processing custodian data available to insurance companies. The two companies officially launched a new product on November 2022: CUSTODIX HUB.
Through the combined tech expertise and industry knowledge of both partners, CUSTODIX HUB facilitates the flows and financial data exchanges between custodian banks and insurance companies, in a trusted and secure environment provided by LUXHUB. The two companies also announced a successful POC (Proof of Concept) with a leading player in Luxembourg.
Download CUSTODIX | LUXHUB Brochure
“Data collection represents a high cost due to the multiplicity of custodians, the use of multiple formats, and the volume of transactions or the number of failures that require corrections,” explains Eric Bemelmans, Digital Transformation Director at VERMEG.
“The insurance sector could greatly benefit from this innovative partnership by gaining significant time when collecting data from depositary banks, drastically improving the customer experience, and pleasing their end-clients with a unique and efficient service,” concludes Claude Meurisse, COO, LUXHUB.
Click here to read the full Press Release and learn more about CUSTODIX HUB.
Retirement Savings: focus on capitalization
In partnership with VERMEG, Seabird’s LabUC proposes to explore how insurers can play a central role in a promising market alongside banks and asset managers, between product innovation, the contribution of new players, and changes in organizations and tools.
Retirement Savings: Where is the supplementary retirement market? What place for insurers in this promising market? How can the Retirement Saving Plan keep its promises and become a retirement preparation tool for the greatest number?
Download our guide “Épargne retraite: cap sur la capitalisation“ and learn more.
Click here to learn about the LabUC.
Low-Code No-Code (LCNC), a verticalized platform to accelerate Digital Transformation for “tailor-made” solutions
Generic Digitalization is not just about Client experience, it is the way to address financial services sector challenges and needs: Demanding clients, intrusive and more robust regulation, margin pressure, and siloed organization. Insurance and Banks must adapt across all the value chains and organizations.
Generic platforms or development frameworks only scratch the surface when Financial Services companies need a mission-critical business-focused approach.
In partnership with AILANCY, VERMEG is pleased to present a webinar entitled: Low-code/No-code platforms as an accelerator of digital transformation. You can exclusively attend the testimony of Benoît De Lestrange, Deputy Director of Digital Services at Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance (SOFINCO), about VERMEG’s LCNC platform usage!
To know more about the challenges of Digital Transformation, VERMEG’s LCNC platform and its differentiating elements, watch the webinar’s replay, with:
⁄ Brahim HALMAOUI (Vice-president of Digital Transformation – VERMEG),
⁄ Romuald HAJERI (Partner – AILANCY),
⁄ Benoît DE LESTRANGE (Deputy Director of Digital Services at Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance).
Watch the Replay
SOLIAM: Release update
In addition to the technical evolutions related to the security updates and authentication strategy, the new SOLIAM release essentially offers a new look & feel of the Back-office.
The new look & feel was released with the 15.2.0 version of SOLIAM. Our focus was on ergonomics and usage of the tools, the addition of new icons and logos together with a new theme.
The following is a description of the essential updates.
1. Look & feel updates
⁄ A new logo appears in multiple colors when the SOLIAM BO is opened ;
⁄ The toolbar uses a new font and new additional icons;
⁄ Zooming option available on BO screens;
⁄ Possibility of having two new boxes along with the opened screens et favorite screens;
⁄ All the look & feel options and improvements are customizable by the user.
2. New shortcuts
⁄ Autocomplete in all fields of trades, positions, securities, and portfolios consultation;
⁄ Resizing all columns of a table with the CTRL button pressed + double-click on the headers;
⁄ Positioning of the window (left half, upper right quarter, …) via the CTRL+ALT buttons and the numeric keypad;
⁄ New quick search of tables when selecting CTRL+H.
3. Free zones grouping :
It is now possible to group the free areas through configuration, both at the level of the search tab and during the consultation.