AGILE Reporter
AGILE Reporter Logo blanc

Industry Leading Regulatory Reporting

AGILE Reporter transforms your reporting, offering unparalleled data management, workflow, validation, correction and submission capabilities tailored to support strong compliance and audit requirements. Available independently as ‘last mile’ or with the option to integrate either with the AGILE Suite, or your existing systems, as part of an automated end to end calculation and reporting solution.

Streamlined Reporting Process

Optimize reporting with customizable workflow and automation.

Continuous Compliance

Peace of Peace of mind with up to date regulatory templates and validations.

Flexible Data Entry

Access our API library, type your data in or provide XML, Excel or CSV.

Redefining Regulatory Compliance

AGILE Reporter stands as our best-in-class solution for navigating the complexities of regulatory reporting.

Offering unparalleled flexibility, it allows for various data input methods, including manual entry, CSV, and Excel uploads, as well as OpenAPI integration.  Available as a stand-alone module it can be used independently as a ‘last mile’ solution, or with the option to integrate either with the AGILE Suite or your existing systems as part of a fully automated risk calculation and reporting solution.

Beyond ensuring compliance with over thousands of continuously updated regulatory validations, AGILE Reporter empowers users to craft custom validations, ensuring submissions are not only successful but of the highest quality. Its unique live validation feature provides immediate feedback, increasing the speed of last-minute changes before submission.

Tailored for efficiency, its customizable workflow, visual dashboard, and built-in messaging system streamline the reporting process, allowing for effective communication, and management by exception.

AGILE Reporter’s adaptability extends to supporting all major regulatory file formats, ensuring comprehensive coverage for your reporting needs.


Automated end-to-end processing.

Granular data report support.

User defined and ‘Live’ Validations.

In-built messaging capability.

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Demonstrations and Free Trial

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Discover how AGILE Reporter can transform your regulatory reporting.