Business Challenges for Regulatory Reporting​ – UK and EMEA

Complete, Comprehensive and Cutting edge Regulatory Reporting Solution


AGILE Reporter provides end-to-end support for many hundreds of banks in VERMEG’s markets including the UK and Europe.  

AGILE automates the entire process, as a SaaS or on premise installation.  This starts with data collection, data transformation and automated data quality improvements, and then implements computations which apply complex regulatory calculations for Basel ratios including capital adequacy, liquidity coverage and leverage.  The system automates validations, before transmission in XBRL or other formats to the PRA and FCA, Bank of England and other regulators internationally.  

Support is also included for the full European Banking Authority requirements and all the associated taxonomies. AGILE also enables disciplined systems and control frameworks and implements workflow and governance requirements.  Drill down, audit enquiry, attestation and approvals gateways, and production of management information are also provided.  ​​

As a deeply functional and sophisticated 25+ year market leading solution, VERMEG keeps AGILE fully supported, keeping pace with constantly changing regulations.


Unlock Capital

VERMEG’s regulatory calculations optimise the allocation of collateral within its advanced CRM processing to improve regulatory ratios. This can include capitalisation of software assets.

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Approval and Workflow

Highly configurable approval workflow to meet the exacting governance and controls expected by the regulator – as stated in 2021’s Dear CEO letter.

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Bank of England

Comprehensive support for the Bank of England’s statistical returns. This has included the recent transition to XBRL submitted to BEEDS .

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Prudential Regulatory Authority (PRA) & Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

Full support for all PRA returns, including the PRA110 and ‘FSA’ returns

European Banking Authority (EBA) & European Central Bank (ECB)

Comprehensive support for COREP, FINREP, Asset Encumbrance, including DPM3.2 changes taking effect from reference date 31/12/2022. Full support for granular style regulatory requirements including ECB Anacredit and the upcoming IReF.

Investment Firm Regulation (IFR) / Investment Firms Prudential Regulation (IFPR)

With the Investment Firm prudential reporting regime now live under the European Union IFR and the UK IFPR, firms requiring automated reporting  – including XBRL submission – may rely on VERMEG’s support for prudential calculations and disclosures.

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Regulatory Update Service

VERMEG commits to maintaining its portfolio of reporting solutions in line with all mandated regulatory changes.

VERMEG subject matter experts continually monitor announcements and publications from the regulatory authorities across UK & EMEA. These changes are delivered as upgrades to ensure clients are always up to date with the correct reporting requirements.

Key benefits

AGILE Reporter can be deployed in-house on internal infrastructure or your organisation’s private/public/hybrid cloud. Alternatively it is available as Software as a Service from VERMEG.
AGILE Reporter offers a wide range of implementation options to accommodate requirements from across the spectrum of financial organisations.
Process control and attestation approval workflows allow scrutiny and sign off of returns by the appropriate individuals whether a single path of approval for all or different depending on the class of return.

Download our brochure about AGILE Reporter (PDF).

Key Solutions

A comprehensive and modular solution covering Regulatory Reporting









Extend AGILE Reporter! Our Low-Code No-Code platform helps banks add even more value to their regulatory reporting toolchain