In March 2018, KPMG Singapore and VERMEG launched KRIS: The next-generation, end-to-end integrated regulatory solution to help financial institutions automate while meeting their reporting obligations in an agile, accurate and cost-efficient manner.
KRIS is a cloud-based regulatory technology (RegTech) offering between the two organizations, powered by VERMEG AgileREPORTER, the strategic regulatory reporting solution trusted by over 200 financial institutions globally. KRIS is designed for banks seeking an end-to-end reporting solution which can help save as much as 50% of their time in complying with the relevant regulatory returns prescribed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), including the new MAS Notices 610/1003 (“Notices”). The Notices mandate banks to collect, prepare and report significant amounts of data, which put a further burden on banks’ resources and budgets.
Learn more about KRIS here:
Learn more about AgileREPORTER here:
Learn more about the new MAS Notices 610/1003 here: